Shadow’s Short Tale …by Zilla

As most of you may know my person (aka new mom) Service Dog Shadow passed away on April 18, 2017. Indeed, Shadow was and always will be in our hearts. Me and Shad used to Zilla tailplay before she got real sick. There will never be another Shadow. In honor of Shadow, my new mom wants me to leave the blog as is “Shadow’s Short Tales.”

It is time to introduce myself. My name is Zilla  (Hebrew for “Shadow”) and my tail is longer and is a different color. I will be writing on Shadow’s blog and as you may know dogs have different characters and skills. Shadow was a great Service dog.  I was going to try to walk in her paw prints but my new mom told me not to try. I am a good Service Dog.  But I am very different than Shadow. Besides I could never fill Shadow’s paw prints, my paws are too big. My tail is yellow and long. I had trouble trying to hold it still for my mom to take  a picture for you — Shadow’s friends and my new friends.

I want to thank you for following Shadow’s Short Tale.  I hope you will also enjoy my longer tales of a different color.  Shadow’s Short Tale was indeed too short but she lived life to the max and served my mom with Joy. We thank you Shadow for your short life that touched many lives forever.  We love you and miss you!

